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Biofarm Demvitg in Waltensburg

The fields of the biofarm Demvitg in Waltensburg

Healthy soils & happy animals

Biofarm in the Surselva

Paulin Pfister and Janine Pfister-Caduff took over the farm in Waltensburg in 2015. On their farm in Waltensburg in Graubünden live about 80 Black Angus cows and calves, 1 Black Angus bull, 20 sheep and lambs, Turopolje mother sows and piglets, 5 donkeys and still a few pets.

When growing potatoes, they take care to choose the most suitable soil/location and also consider soil rotations so that potatoes can thrive in healthy soil.

In animal husbandry, they focus on the welfare of the animals. It is important to them that the animals lack nothing and have an animal-friendly, healthy and happy life during the time they spend with them on the Demvitg organic farm.

The biggest challenges in their task bring nature and the weather. Because especially the weather is sometimes unpredictable and always demands spontaneity as well as new ideas.

On their farm, the young family relies on organic and natural products. They rely on bio because we only have this one nature and therefore have to take care of it. Bio is their contribution to a healthy and sustainable landscape and diet.

Paulin Pfister vom Biohof Demvitg in Waltensburg mit einem Ferkel im Arm
Die Familie Pfister vom Biohof Demvitg in Waltensburg

Jumping calves & helping hands

The young family enjoys the beautiful and also funny moments with the animals on their farm and can always rely on family and friends for the harvest. We have asked:

Why do you do the job you do today?

Because farming is an important and fulfilling profession! It combines many areas that are important to us: The handling/contact with the animals and the work in and with nature. In addition, the profession is family-friendly (our three boys enjoy it very much) and the variety of work is great – so we never get bored!

What do you enjoy most about this job?

Harvesting potatoes is a laborious job because it still requires manual labor. But just sorting the potatoes on the harvester is a fun and sociable thing, where we can count on helping hands of family and friends. In animal husbandry, it is the beautiful moments that bring the fun: For example, the birth of a calf or even watching the cows and calves jumping happily in the meadow in the spring, making aerial leaps. Even otherwise, there are always funny moments with the animals that bring a smile to your face.

What are you particularly proud of in your company?

Actually we are proud of everything. Because our organic farm offers us a satisfied life and very nice home. Also the satisfaction of our customers and animals show us that we are on the right track.

Die Lämmer des Biohofs Demvitg werden mit dem Fläschchen gefüttert
Esel des Hofs Demvitg auf der Wiese vor der Ruine einer Burg
Auf dem Biohof Demvitg in Waltensburg die Kühe auf den Feldern beobachten

Biofarm Demvitg &
the Restaurant s’nani

Why ist this a match?

S’nani and the biofarm Demvitg is a super match, because the same values are important to us and together we can make a good contribution to a strong and environmentally conscious region.

And by the way…

… The s’nani team regularly visits the partners and suppliers to know exactly where the products in the s’nani come from and how they are made.

Im s'nani gibts Kartoffeln vom Biohof Demvitg in Waltensburg
At the s’nani you can find the organic potatoes of the two varieties Dèsirèe (floury) and Ditta (firm) from the organic farm Demvitg.

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